• 地震勘探数据波动方程方法压制多次波软件WE_DeMultiple</br>The seismic exploration data fluctuation equation method suppresses the WE_DeMultiple of multiwave software.

    The seismic exploration data fluctuation equation method suppresses the WE_DeMultiple of multiwave software.

  • 二维反射地震数据反射界面法线中心聚焦成像算法软件NAFI2D</br>A center-focused imaging algorithm for two-dimensional reflection seismic data reflection interface

    A center-focused imaging algorithm for two-dimensional reflection seismic data reflection interface

  • 高精度地震数据处理成像系统PSGSEIS V2.5</br>High-precision seismic data processing imaging system PSGSEIS V2.5

    高精度地震数据处理成像系统PSGSEIS V2.5
    High-precision seismic data processing imaging system PSGSEIS V2.5

  • 基于GPU计算机编程方案的二维地震数据混合边界逆时偏移成像软件GRTM2D</br>A two-dimensional seismic data hybrid boundary inverse time shift imaging software based on GPU computer programming scheme

    A two-dimensional seismic data hybrid boundary inverse time shift imaging software based on GPU computer programming scheme

  • 基于GPU计算机编程方案的三维地震数据混合边界逆时偏移成像软件GRTM3D </br>A three-dimensional seismic data hybrid boundary inverse time shift imaging software based on GPU computer programming scheme

    A three-dimensional seismic data hybrid boundary inverse time shift imaging software based on GPU computer programming scheme

  • 三维反射地震数据反射界面法线中心聚焦成像算法软件NAFI3D</br>A center-focused imaging algorithm for three-dimensional reflection seismic data reflection interface.

    A center-focused imaging algorithm for three-dimensional reflection seismic data reflection interface.

  • 压裂监测中四点定位微地震震源反演软件PFSI</br>Four-point location microseismic source inversion software PFSI in fracturing monitoring

    Four-point location microseismic source inversion software PFSI in fracturing monitoring

  • 地震勘探成像数据中的线条图显示方法软件Seis_Skeleton</br>The line plot display method software in the seismic exploration imaging data Seis_Skeleton

    The line plot display method software in the seismic exploration imaging data Seis_Skeleton